A lack of money is a source of so much anxiety and suffering in the world. Fear-based scarcity thinking is in our programming. We have been conditioned to fear the financial: the banking system, the cost of living, even money itself.  Conditioning comes from society, media and childhood.  Our parents may have worried about money.  As children still in theta brainwave state we absorb like a sponge the messaging and beliefs within our environment. If money is a source of worry for you and you would like to be free I will work with you in sessions using a variety of tools including mindset re-conditioning, energy healing and cutting edge energy psychology techniques to release old limiting beliefs about money that are keeping you from living a free and financially prosperous life. Our unconscious beliefs create our reality. Let’s clear those…


Is your dominant emotion fear when you think of money?

Are you unconsciously pushing it away?


Some core limiting beliefs:

Money is the root of all evil

It’s selfish to want to be rich

Money is not important

I need to work hard for it

Rich people are greedy

I could never be rich

There’s not enough

Money is hard to make


Money is energy. Abundance is everywhere but scarcity consciousness stop you from seeing, attracting and experiencing more. I will help you attune to the energetic frequency of abundance, and release the old beliefs. If you wish to have financial prosperity it is essential your beliefs are in alignment with prosperity consciousness. The laws of vibration and attraction are working all the time and if your beliefs around money are low vibrational (fear-based) and limiting, then you are not open to receiving more. These unconscious beliefs dictate our behaviour and how we experience the world. Our reality is a reflection of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Using energy medicine we will clear away fear-based emotions out of your body-mind. We will uncover and transform your limiting beliefs to create a new experience with money. In addition we will work on increasing your abundance mindset to anchor in and strengthen the new wealth consciousness.


Healing your relationship with money and finances

Personal freedom

No more worrying about money

Clearing the scarcity conditioning that is keeping you stuck

Feeling confident in your ability to take care of yourself and your loved ones

Feeling secure in yourself

Feeling proud of yourself and your achievements

Having a healthy and positive relationship with money

Opening up new possibilities for long-term sustainable financial growth

Spending your precious time doing work that fulfills you and feeds your soul

Clearing away the fear of running your own business

More creativity and solution orientated mindset

Being open to receive more money


Are you open, willing and ready to experience more freedom?

4 x 1 hour weekly one on one zoom sessions including unlimited email support between sessions: £500 (GBP) monthly.

4 x 1 hour weekly one on one zoom sessions without additional email support: £360 monthly.

Book your complimentary zoom consultation today.  Contact me here.