All group intensive sessions are offered live throughout the year.  Please get in touch to be added to the waitlist for the next available dates.

All sessions are 3 hour intensives.  As we will be going deep and tapping continuously please drink lots of water prior to the session.  There will be a 5 minute break in the middle of the session for detoxing! I will focus on each individual as we all tap together on each other’s issues.  The beauty of these sessions being so targeted and specific is that you will find the same beliefs and patterns across the board amongst participants.  In addition, I have found that sometimes the issue you feel is not relevant to you is actually a belief buried so deep that you had no idea it was holding you back until another participant shone a spotlight on it for you.  Very powerful work.


EFT Tapping Intensive for Wealth Consciousness: Clearing the Blocks to Money

Scarcity consciousness creates lack.  Wealth consciousness creates prosperity.  In this group tapping intensive we will deep dive into the most prominent and destructive beliefs that are blocking you from opening to receive more money.  Group tapping is particularly powerful I will be leading the group in tapping on and releasing your own and each other’s limiting beliefs and negative heavy emotions around money.  As we all go through our own individual process deeply unconscious programmes and patterns are unearthed through other’s issues with money.  The power of this group tapping is that we discover ways in which we have been held back from creating wealth (and feeling worthy) in ways that were deeply hidden to us.  The power of the group is exponential, and this 3 hour intensive is deeply transformational.

This intensive is highly recommended if you need to clear fear and anxiety about money and wish to create not only more money and financial freedom, but increase your self-love, self-worth and self-value.

I work quite uniquely in the field of EFT with incorporating anchoring higher frequencies into your body-mind both during and following the release work, specifically the frequencies of acceptance, compassion, joy, love and appreciation.  This serves to raise your vibration for more optimal reality creation as we embed into your body/mind (subconscious) the positive high vibrational new thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions of the new paradigm of wealth consciousness.


EFT Tapping Intensive for Manifesting your Soulmate: Clearing the Blocks to Love

In this EFT Intensive we will again be individual/ group tapping together to release negative emotions such as fear, disappointment and anger that are blocking both the self-love we wish to experience, and the love from a partner.  If we have a lot of hurt and emotional pain that we are still carrying from our past we unconsciously push away the relationship we consciously say we want.  If our subconscious beliefs do not support our ability to have a loving relationship we will not be able to attract it. If we have been hurt in the past, been cheated on or lied to or not made to feel valuable or worth being with then it’s essential we clear away the heavy energies (negative emotions) and transform the limiting beliefs both about ourselves and how we view potential partners. There may be parts of us that would rather hide and protect than put ourselves out there again, and as the years fly by we find ourselves still single or just unable to attract the kind of person we long for.

This Intensive will help you to heal from the pain of past relationships, release limiting beliefs about self (I’m not good enough/ young enough/ successful enough etc), release limiting beliefs about others ie men (All men my age want younger women etc) to open you up to receiving the love that you deserve, greater love for yourself and for another.

After the releasing work we will be using very specific manifesting practices to anchor in a greater feeling of possibility and self-confidence in who you are and what you are a match to.  We will also energetically call in your mate in order that you experience their energy, feel how that feels, and continue imprinting this experience after the session, building the relationship prior to your partner showing up in physical matter.  The manifesting practices I teach and use with my clients are feminine in nature: joyful, gentle and extremely powerful.  No trying or efforting which is old paradigm masculine energy.  The art of allowing is feminine and divine, and so are you.

This intensive is deep, soulful, loving and fun.  Join our sacred feminine circle as we manifest magic together!