Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divine within…Suffering is due to our disconnection with the inner soul.  Meditation is establishing that connection”.  – Amit Ray


Learning to meditate is one of the greatest gifts I have ever given myself.  I am eternally grateful for the privilege of having this experience every day of my life, and wish this for you too.  I often hear from people that they don’t think they will be able to meditate, that it is too “hard”, and they can’t shift out of the mind chatter.  This is where it is really useful to have an expert by your side.


I have been meditating for more than 20 years.  I will teach you how to meditate, and the shortcuts I have learned as a professional energy healer to move beyond mind chatter, release dense and discordant energy and go deep within.  I can help you not only calm and still your mind, but activate your own life force and healing energy, open your heart (the gateway to your soul), activate your pineal gland for elevated consciousness and be held in a (very visceral) field of love, joy and peace which will hold you throughout your day. This is beyond most people’s idea of meditation and mindfulness.  There is much healing (and bliss) available to you in this incredibly beautiful and powerful practice.


In addition to the health and mental-emotional benefits of meditation, I would highly recommend learning to meditate if you wish to evolve your consciousness, and become a conscious creator of your life.  True manifestation is through the power of the heart, and the frequency of gratitude.  I will gently guide you into this powerfully blissful state of being necessary for the conscious creation process: grounded, centred, aligned and in the flow.


How your sessions work… 


We begin with several powerful energy releasing techniques to build the foundation for a successful session.  It is my job to make meditating easy for you.   As we meditate together I will gently keep you on track, holding a high vibrational and loving state.  As your heart naturally entrains to mine, it will be easier for you to enter this higher state of being.   With me as your guide on this beautiful path, you will open up energy pathways in the body, unlocking the stress and tension from your body and mind. As you follow the breath and open up the energy pathways you will be able to feel the subtle life force energy that flows through you.  It is so sweet, beautiful, and heart-opening that as you begin to feel your own spirit opening up your heart, and your soul, your understanding of life itself can be forever changed.  This reconnection is to be truly cherished.  If you commit to the practice, it will change you.


I made the commitment to my own practice when I began to notice that on the days that I meditated life was easier, lighter, more joyful and fun.  My interactions with others was so much more harmonious than on days when I did not meditate.  Life began to shine, I began to shine, and positive life-affirming synchronicities flowed my way.  This is what happens when you are in a state of flow. The results are tangible, and life-changing. I meditate everyday, and you can too…  


In addition to my own system of meditation, instruction can be given in ancient Buddhist practices depending on your requirements.  The Metta Bhavana (Loving-kindness meditation) is useful for opening the heart, increasing self-love, and love and forgiveness for others.  It is exceptional power for opening to compassion and love for ourselves and others.  The Mindfullness of Breathing practice, on the other hand, is for greater focus, concentration and vitality.  It is a practice that “charges you up”.  If your phone is not charged it doesn’t work.  It’s the same for us: we are electrical beings and we need to recharge our batteries if we wish to be healthy, productive and vital. This is a powerful practice to instill in your day if you need to be working at high levels of focussed concentration and productive output: it creates greater output without burn out.  You will be amazed how much more you can achieve in a day when you have this practice in place. 


As with all instruction I will be meditating with you and keeping you on track until the training wheels can come off and you have an easy, solid practice for yourself and for your life.


Benefits of meditation:


Transforms negative thoughts and beliefs
Releases negative emotions
Releases tension and stress from the body
Straightens and realigns the spine
Detoxifies mind and body
Stabilises emotions
Increases peace, love, joy and inner strength
Encourages trust in self, and trust in life
Creates higher energetic vibration
Enhances joy, optimism and positivity
Enhances connection to spirit and soul
Increases love for self and others
Enhances creativity


All sessions are conducted by zoom

1 hour: £80

30 minutes: £60

Weekly sessions 4 x 1 hour: £240 per month (£80 saving).

Weekly sessions 4 x 30 minutes: £180 per month (£60 saving).

Book your complimentary 30 minute zoom consultation here