Welcome to my website! 


I specialise in healing and releasing the limiting beliefs and energetic blocks to love and money. 


As an energy psychology expert/ energy healer with over 20 years experience in the field of energy medicine I offer the most effective cutting edge technologies for consciousness change, emotional healing and mind reprogramming that are available today. This world needs open-hearted successful women willing to do the inner work to transform their own lives, and positively affect the lives of others. My mission is to help put the money into the hands of loving, happy, fulfilled women who will do good with their wealth in the world.


I am an energy healer, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner, meditation teacher, and my speciality is consciousness change and reality creation in the areas of love and money. 


I facilitate emotional healing, mindset expansion and help my clients to release the blocks to personal, romantic, and financial success.  My clients come to me to begin the deep inner work to truly loving themselves (the key to success in every area of your life and the only true key to inner peace, joy and happiness), become a match to attracting their partner, and to build their wealth and business with time freedom and ease.  Yes, it’s not only possible, it’s the new paradigm!


I have dedicated my life to my own personal healing and explorations in consciousness in order to free myself from the conditioned programmes and limiting beliefs that I always knew were holding me back.


As a child I felt deeply connected to a higher source greater than myself, and believed in my ability to manifest what I wanted in this world. As life, and societal conditioning took hold, I “lost” this connection to myself, my spirit, soul, higher self, and for many years I struggled with chronic depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and negative thoughts, feelings and emotions.  I trained in multiple healing modalities and for the past 20+ plus years my experience has included working as an energy healer with private clients and within the corporate sector for such names as HSBC, Universal Music and other financial institutions and hedge-funds.


I have extensively researched and studied spirituality, the science of consciousness, neurology, epigenetics, and the power of the heart’s electromagnetic field in conscious creation.  This work is way beyond the common conceptions of law of attraction.  Through my extensive study, trainings and experience working with myself I know what works, and now help others to live a more emotionally fulfilling, happy, rich, and spiritually connected life.


My intention has always been to free myself, with a deep intuitive knowing that this would be my life’s work in helping others to free themselves.


In my journey to awakening I have lived and worked all over the world. I have attended trainings  with world leaders in consciousness, personal development, spirituality, healing and coaching including  Drunvalo Melchizidek and Tony Robbins. In addition I have worked as a meditation teacher and energy healer at a spiritual community in Riviera Maya, Mexico alongside internationally respected guest speakers and personal development greats such as Don Miguel Ruiz, Gregg Braden and Jack Canfield. 


If you are considering applying for any of my programmes or services then I would invite you as a first step to please book your complimentary 30 minute zoom consultation here. 


I look forward to meeting you for our journey together!


Much love,

Jennifer Rose x